002: Incorporating Activism in Your Art with Tolmeia Gregory of Tolly Dolly Posh

If you thought you had wait to become an expert to build an audience, change minds, and make a living from your art — you’d be wrong. Our guest today is an ethical & sustainable fashion activist, but she didn’t start out that way.

Today’s GueST: Tolmeia Gregory

Tolmeia runs an ethical & sustainable fashion blog, sharing as she learns. Tolly is also a total GIF sticker queen. She uses illustrated animations as a way engage her audience and promote activism — but in a completely fun, approachable and charming way. Her GIFs have been viewed over 7 billion times. Yes, I said BILLIONS. Now at 19, she’s a full-time freelancer working with companies to design GIF stickers and using art to support her activism. 

You’ll Learn:

  • How to incorporate activism into your work (even as you’re learning!)

  • Why you don’t have to be an expert in order to grow an audience

  • How to navigate working with clients who may not align with your values

  • Why GIF stickers are a great tool to engage audiences on difficult issues

  • Importance of finding community when facing the climate crisis


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